CuraScribe: Virtual
scribes as a Service.

Our client: Curascribe

The company is an LA-based start-up in the healthcare & tech industry that aims to eliminate the doctor’s time spent charting by creating an innovative and groundbreaking platform, unseen before in the medical industry.




We designed and built the first web and mobile platform that connects doctors with virtual scribes, helping doctors save time, focus entirely on the patient's health, and store confidential information safely.

Time is money, and when it comes to doctors, time can also be saving someone's life. Have you ever imagined how much time doctors invest in the documentation for each patient's medical record? Curascribe is a virtual scribe medical platform whose goal is to save doctors time and help them focus entirely on the patient's health, leaving EMRs, government, and insurance regulations in the hands of their virtual scribes.

The ProjecT

Light-it was involved in the project from early stages to help Curascribe ideate and validate its technical specifications, which we subsequently developed. Our team worked side-by-side with Curascribe to figure out a roadmap. We got full hands-on product validation, UX/UI design, and development based on the roadmap and goals established.


We joined the project with the goal of ideating, technically validating and building the platform to host Curascribe’s scribing solution, that aimed to provide customized, one-on-one virtual scribe services to Medical Practitioners. This was full of exciting challenges:



We were creating the first web-based transcription full-service platform. Which naturally had to be highly usable and intuitive for all: doctors, clinics and scribes. And fully extensible so that they can onboard other transcription companies in the future.



Scribes use foot pedals to play the records, so our solution had to be compatible with the pedal, covering all the edge cases. The foot pedal proof of concept was quite a challenge that was solved by building a chrome extension and windows app.



The consult's audio files' information is extremely sensible and indispensable, so the platform had to be 100% reliable and safe. We had to cover numerous edge cases to guarantee this.

Process & Workflow

The project had three main stages: Discovery, UX/UI Design and Development.

Product discovery : Defining the Solution

Curascribe required a robust and complex solution; defining the MVP and user flow involved extensive research, ideation and validation, until we defined a brilliant outline, that was made up by 4 components: an iOS App, a Web Platform, a Chrome Extension and a Windows App.

Doctors record consultations in Curascribe's mobile app and upload them along with some required information. Each encounter is assigned to a virtual scribe, a medical expert that transcribes the consult in the web platform and uploads it to the patient's medical record. The platform includes the following components:

iOS application

The mobile application is where providers (doctors) create encounters by recording the patient and filling in a brief form. It's also where doctors can review the consultation's information once it has been transcribed.

Chrome Extension

Scribes transcribe the consultation in Microsoft Word. Building an extension was needed to capture the foot pedal commands in the background while writing the transcription here.

Web platform

It's where the scribes and managers work the whole day. In this platform, they receive the encounters, play the audio files, manage users, assign encounters, see attachments, and more.

Scribes use foot pedals to play the records, so our solution had to be compatible with the pedal, covering all the edge cases. The foot pedal proof of concept was quite a challenge that was solved by building a chrome extension and windows app.

UX/UI Design

After defining the backlog, roadmap and absorbing all the information, we began designing. We planned, sketched, and repeated until we had a sharp wireframe.

We went for a clean look and feel. As mentioned before, the primary purpose was to optimize users' time; this left no space for distracting visuals, low speed, or time-consuming animations. The simpler, the better.

This resulted in a minimalist and highly intuitive UI, friendly to work with for long hours, and visually appealing.


The agile development process was divided into 2 week sprints. The team was made up of two developers, one PM, one UX/UI Designer, a DevOps, a QA Engineer and a HIPPAA Compliant expert. The team brought the product to life and kept the client’s updated during the whole process, starting with the MVP, testing it, and continously iterating. This stage was followed by ongoing maintenance.


Medical providers using Curascribe are able to see 42% more patients on average in the same time schedule.

Doctors can now focus 100% on the patient, which results in more successful and fruitful encounters.

Patients are receiving much better attention and better medical experiences.

Clinics are being more effective and organized with EMRs and schedules. This has an impact on the revenue, and staff & patients satisfaction.

We built a tailored platform highly usable and valuable for all stakeholders: doctors, patients and clinics.

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